C2F Creative Studio
Kasimir Pfyffer Strasse 18a
CH–6003 Luzern
C2F is a creative studio in Lucerne specialized in design and communication, founded in 2006 by Cybu Richli and Fabienne Burri.
We work for ambitious cultural and commercial clients. These include: The Swiss National Bank, Museum für Gestaltung, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Basel Historical Museum, City of Lucerne, Lucerne's most renowned architects and artists and many more. They all benefit from our holistic approach: we combine strategic, conceptual and explorative methods to develop individual design solutions at the highest level.
With great clients great things happen: we have received many prizes and awards for our work, and we are represented in the most significant design collections.
Cybu Richli
Design Director, GL
Cybu Richli is a design director, designer and partner at C2F as well as a lecturer and researcher at universities. Cybu studied architecture and visual communication and has gained various international experiences: He accepted an invitation for a research assignment in Chicago. He subsequently worked for various clients in Chicago and New York, such as Morningstar, Pentagram, Seed Media, The New York Times, W.I.R.E.D. In 2006, Cybu founded the design studio C2F in Lucerne together with Fabienne. In addition to his practice, he has been involved in teaching, research and theory at Swiss universities for over 15 years (lecturer, expert, director).
More information: www.cybu.ch
Fabienne Burri
Designer, Project Manager, GL
Fabienne Burri is a designer and partner at C2F as well as a lecturer at universities. She has a background in business, communication and a degree in visual communication. She gained her experience in design practice at agencies, cultural institutions and in various collaborations before founding C2F Creative Studio together with Cybu Richli. In addition to her work in practice, she is active in teaching as a module leader and lecturer. She also followed requests for lectures and workshops to Europe, the Middle East and the USA.
More information: www.fabienne.to
Team / Pool
Our clients benefit from a professional team and a diverse pool of experts with different skills in strategy, branding, design, information design, motion graphics, data design, text, coding.
Bastien Egger, Gianluca Flütsch, Christian Horisberger, Fawad Qadire, Johnny Nia, Flo Suter, Peter Vetter, Tim Zaugg, Soraya Zulu
Regardless of technology and medium, we implement every project with the utmost care and precision. We advise and accompany, develop and create, plan and realise: Analysis, Strategy, Concept, Design, Realisation, Monitoring.
Art Direction
Corporate Design
Information Design
Data Visualization
Information Architecture
Editorial Design
Book Design
Magazine Design
Annual Reports
Web Design
Digital Design
Motion Graphics
Selected Clients
- ABL Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Luzern
- Anastisia Katsidis
- Architekturforum Zürich
- Architekturrat der Schweiz
- Bildungspark
- Blättler Dafflon Architekten
- Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik
- Bundesamt für Kultur
- Bundesamt für Umwelt
- Büro Konstrukt Architekten
- Dr. med. Christine Kuhn
- Filmpool
- Forecast Magazine New York
- Fumetto Comic Festival
- Gemeinde Baar
- Giacomo Santiago Rogado
- Graber & Steiger Architekten
- gta Verlag
- Halter
- Historisches Museum Basel
- Hochparterre Zeitschrift
- Hochschule Luzern
- IG Baukultur der Moderne
- Iwan Bühler Architekten
- Kanton Luzern
- Kanton Thurgau
- Kunstmuseum Luzern
- Löwen Center
- MAI Architektur
- Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
- New York Magazine
- Nidwaldner Museum
- Prix Lignum
- Psychiatrie Münsterlingen
- Raphael Egil
- Reformierte Kirche
- Schweizerische Nationalbank
- Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
- Seiler Linhart Architekten
- Stadt Kriens
- Stadt Luzern
- Stadt Zug
- Stadion Kleinfeld
- Standpunkte Verlag
- Suva
- Swiss Design Network
- The New York Times
- Tschuttiheftli
- Voltafilm
- Volkskunstmuseum Innsbruck
- W.I.R.E.D.
- Zentralschweizerische Vereinigung der Richterinnen und Richter
- 100 Beste Plakate Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Selected Awards
- All Gold of the World Moscow
- ADC New York Young Guns
- Anerkennungspreis Stadt Luzern
- China Int. Poster Biennal Awards
- Chicago Int. Poster Biennal
- DAM Architekturbuch Auszeichung
- Designpreis Schweiz Nomination
- Design Network Switzerland Award
- Die Schönsten Schweizer Bücher
- Eidgenössischer Preis für Design
- Golden Bee Biennale Moscow
- Grand Prix Global Biennale of Graphic Design
- Hong Kong Int. Poster Triennal
- Int. Biennal of Graphic Design Brno
- Int. Poster Biennal Warsaw
- Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award
- Prints New Visual Artist New York
- Society of Typographic Arts Chicago
- Swiss Design Award
- Swiss Print Award
- Type Directors Club New York
- Werkbeiträge Luzern
- 100 Beste Plakate